Thursday, May 26, 2011

Getting ready to leave for a week

For the past week the temperature has risen into the nineties here and there has been no rain during that time, so my goal for the week has been to set all of my little plants into the ground so that they might survive with a couple of waterings during the week that I'll be at Arrowmont.  By noon today the touch-me-nots, the hardy hibiscus, the catnip and the cleomes were planted in one of several beds, mulched with wheatstraw or pinestraw and watered in.
The next project on my list was to cut the ten-foot-long PVC pipe into several pieces. I had put off this task because, well, I just don't saw very well. My cuts are always crooked or wavy, but with my husband holding the other end of the pipe and turning it, the cuts were fairly straight and were easy to sand smooth. I now have two pieces of 6" diameter pipe ready for shibori dyeing along with a couple of pipes with smaller diameters and a five-gallon plastic bucket.
Finally I checked off all of my other supplies and tools and deposited them into a large plastic storage box ready to load into the car.
I had every item on Joan's list except for kite string or carpet warp for tying fabric to the PVC pipe. My friend Linda Dixon, a weaver from Auburn, Alabama, sent me spools of white cotton carpet warp from her inventory and completed my collection of supplies.

Tomorrow is reserved for packing personal items and making certain that my husband has a few meals in the freezer ready to heat up. And filling the gas tank. And charging camera batteries.

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